Sunday 14 June 2009

New features at

I have been quite busy this week however and there is quite a lot that's new!

The first thing you will notice is a Google custom site search box at the bottom of the front page. (Try it here) Try running a few searches, hopefully in a day or two Google will have mapped the website more fully and you can get truly focussed search results. I realised that the existing year and author indexes were not necessarily the best things to get from a search, as you still had to scroll down, or use Ctr-F to find the search term on the page you were viewing. To get around that, each item in the database now has its own individual file entry. Once these start to come up in the results of a search, you will be able to go directly to an individual reference - still with the links to the full text articles, where available, that you have come to expect from Not only that, but the authors of each article and patent are now linked back to their position in the Author and Inventor indexes, so you can see with a click what they have been publishing. Not only that, but the publication date is also clickable, taking you to the individual year indexes as well. Have fun clicking the much more interconnected!

I have also recently started this Blogger website where I invite you to sign up and participate. The address is: come and check it out. If you have a Google account, write to me with some proof of your connection to MIPs research and I will nominate your e-mail address to allow you to post your own threads and reply to others. Happy blogging!

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